It been long time, I didnt not relax mind..
Add on.. long time I didnt have a nice sleep on my sweet and cold bed..
I think it been for months...
Is really enjoying become a lazy pig all over the weekend..
Just laying on sofa and sleep and eat..
What else I can do??
nothing much..
I do know.. some ppl have problem or argument with family member all the time..
But family still the only closest relation or blood related for you whole life..
1 life only have 1 closest family..
I do really grateful to have such family member..
Each member very support me..
Especially my mum... whatever happen on me.. even though i feel i going be killed by her..
but end up she support and encourage and forgive me too..
for my bro.. even he blur blur and sometimes make funny jokes..
just like he gave some silly answer.. he do take care everyone well..
my elder sister.. she also keep encourage n support me..
she the one always help me convince my mum..
my younger sister.. haih... she my good listener..
she know my stuff a lot..
Still is very enjoy when see, so many lazy animal sleep in living room on weekend..
got dragon, snake, pig and half cow/mouse..
all also lazy animal..
You guys also is LAZY PIG la...
新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19)
5 years ago
i feel touching with your expression, but your english.......
touching right..
at least have the emotion.. everything will do..