Quite sometimes, someone keep complain my English grammar..
Whatever I wrote, he will complain..
But it is a good point for him complain..
At least I knew where is my English level..
I do feel my English from bad to worse to worst..
In work, Mandarin will suitable..
In chatting, Manglish is fine..
In communication, Cantonese the best..
In home, Hokkien is the basic..
Anywhere, become less and less I spoke English..
DAMN... so hard to concentrate in my grammar and proper English..
Biasa liao la.. wat i wan type also can.. hard to restrict my own language writing..
words spelling become more n more..
and more on manglish style liao la...
I will try hard to get my English grammar correct..
新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19)
5 years ago
the diff of "anyway" and "anywhere"...erm...
nvm la as long as ppl understand the meaning of msg that you wan to deliver can liao la~~
feeling.. do you pakat with lock?
both together hit on me...
petik punya english~