There is a question I want to ask..
Does.. every PD guy love to bring someone to seaside at midnight?
Maybe everyone stay at PD will have same thought..
Feel romantic and relaxing..
I DO...
I love to bring people to seaside at midnight..
Once, when having some drink at McD in midnight...
with someone special..
Some idea pop up in mind..
Why not we go PD and relax our mind..
Of course is a good idea..
WTF... now is 2.30am and we are at Cheras..
With my attitude..
When I feel is ok.. why not have a try..
since KL to PD just 1 hour 15 minutes journey..
and... yeah.. yup.. really.. to the truth... of course...
We really begin our journey from Cheras to PD...
I also can't believe I driving back my hometown in this time..
Something which I never do before..
Is really hard to keep driving in dark which I easily lost my concentration due to the contact lens, no road lamp, no more than 200m viewable vision, bengkang-beengkok road..
But is ok.. have to try something new.. I love this kind adventures.. so spontaneous.. XDD
Lately.. we reach safety and stop at PD most beautiful beach (in my opinion la.. dont complain la).. Bayu Beach. heheh
What we do at there??
Something adult activity which underage need parents permission first la..
Of course... we lay down.. on seaside...
The environment is really perfect.. you can feel...
The warm and cold sand..
The cold and fresh sea wind blew..
The comfort and relax waves slump..
The tender and nature of tree get blew sound..
The beautiful deep dark sky with few shining star..
The 3/4 huge orange moon...
The deep light blue cloud pattern the sky..
Everything was so fit the romantic environment...
What make more nice was.. when you get the warm and tiny sand cover your leg..
Really must try it...
Time flies.. really fast... almost 5am..
Maybe we should back KL.. but...
This time another my favorite.. reached..
The fresh air of the air.. remind me when I need back to school early morning..
Make me feel younger.. HAHA...
Since I want hidup hidup and feel the air more longer.. I suggest let see sunrise.. see the sky change color... It really a good idea.. but now only 5am..
She invite me for a dance..
Since the whole beach just we 2.. why not to accept the invitation..
We have some slow dance..
While we dance.. We can feel..
The fresh and warm air blew...
The gentle and soft waves slump..
The tiny and smooth sand..
We keep go round and round and round..
The sand keep splash here and there and can feel it follow our dances...
The wind keep gave us fresh air to breath...
Everything was so nice and memorable.. which can feel the moments is some sweet dreams..
But time really flies fast.. we end up have some night tour around PD while wait the nasi lemak to operate..
Everything goes fast and the sky already brighter with the sun shine...
It really a sweet memory for me... Thanks for accompany me..
Love it a lot.. ^^
新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19)
5 years ago
Who is she?
snoopy.. dont so kepo la..