Sometimes.. we feel everything is within our hand..
you will have feeling..
damn.. you are dead meat..
you will die in my hand..
I'm so confident, my luck will help me melt u off...
BUT.. just few minute, or even 1 second..
your mind will say..
"OOO... FUCKUP... I'm DEAD now..."
everything will 360' turn to make u death..
Then you will start scratch your head..
How come GOD not with me..
But you had forget.. GOD had help you in last few second ago..
Just this time your luck gone.. and is your turn become dead meat..
SO.. everything is not always on your side..
have to take and give all the time..
no matter how strong the base..
once a small ant start gather the food and build an empire..
your strong base will start collapse..
nothing will last forever..
important you must be able to get up once you fall down..
no matter how many times you fall..
you need to climb back..
the moment you climb, that the base you have..
新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19)
5 years ago
y when we feel everything is within our hand..then ppl will have me..
i always think that you control yourself, you decide your future, decide your happiness or sadness..
just always keep in mind, postive draws positive, negative draws negative! therefore, be brave, move forward and always be positive thinking!
cheers! =)
hehe... good advise..
you can make urself happy or sad with your own mind control..
just.. sometimes do need rely on other ppl decision which can make the only answer.. someone that powerful enough..
"y when we feel everything is within our hand..then ppl will have me.."
kena orang rampas jor ar u...