Nowadays.. after sometimes..
you will notice...
all your time.. when online..
had spend on FACEBOOK..
I do notice.. IS most of my time..
can say when work..
facebook a while lol..
level up and assign all task to my games in FB lol..
after work..
facebook a while lol..
look at the video, status post by frens.. and photos too..
morning.. facebook..
noon.. facebook..
evening.. facebook..
night.. facebook..
lucky there does not have facebook while sleeping..
It been drag and slow me down with facebook..
although is a while only.. but total..
It took me more than 8 hours a day..
you cant concentrate in work face worry the income in games had arrived..
you cant sleep well cause u need adjust before sleep set the work..
after few hours.. wake up and harvest the income again..
If not.. will keep kepo with fren status..
It totally same as msn.. but is broadcast to everyone what the chat look like..
and while broadcast.. is hoping some cute girl will popup..
and campurtangan lol..
But lucky.. i still can be save...
I do spend some times looking for book in MPH...
from IT book.. i start look into investment book..
from investment.. i start look into feng shui..
from feng shui.. i start look into motivation..
I can say.. at first.. i bought magazine for deduct the income tax..
willing to spend more book rather than pay to government..
this year.. i had bought quite some book lol.. all tebal tebal..
but finished read.. i can say none..
Really not a bookworm type lol..
although my look, look as bookworm..
Recently.. i start feel my brain become slowdown..
is time to boost it up de lol..
so.. now my favo book is this one...
YEAH.... is SUDOKU...
Hope can continue and start back my motivation in reading book lol..
rather than become "sam pat" (38) guy in fb lol...
新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19)
5 years ago
i usually spend my times on blog...lolz
you are too healthy..